2024-2025 YR Competition
Event Logistics
Team Composition
Drone Components Inventory
Sample Components/Parts List
Competition Rules
General Rules
- Drone must not weight more than 4.4 lb.
- Each team will have a limited budget of $750, including the use existing components in the the Maker Lab Store, and plus 3d printed parts.
- The $750 budget limit is for the purchase of new components and purchase of used components from the Maker Lab Store at a 50% discounted rate.
- 3d printing parts is allowed and does not count as part of the $750 budget.
- The use of components in inventory is on a first-come, first-serve basis. However, a team can only ‘take’ a component from the inventory once it’s ready to use it within a week. Hoarding components is not allowed.
- The Maker Lab inventory can be viewed in the table below.
- Four (4) components that are free and don’t count towards the budget:
- Pixhawk 6C flight controller
- M9N GPS module
- Power module for flight controller
- Radio transmitter
- Due to budget and time constraints, only 5 teams will be allowed to participate.
- Students can apply to become team leaders and will be selected based on experience with drones and availability.
- Team leaders can accept and select team members on their own. There’s a minimum of 3 team members, but no maximum team members. Although no more than 5 is recommended.
- Students are encouraged to approach team leaders to join their teams.
- Five (5) check-ins will take place throughout the school year.
- Teams are required to send at least one representative to each check-in. Lack of attendance will cause a team to become disqualified.
- Check-ins will include the sharing of important information regarding the competition rules and opportunities for Q&A from the teams to the organizers.
- Check-in dates (Tuesday co-curricular, 11:30 am):
- October 29
- November 26
- February 4
- February 25
- April 1
- Testing is required before the competition. Specific dates and times will be determined for testing at the competition location. Tentative testing dates will be April 6-11.
- Tentative competition date is April 13, 2025 at the farm area on campus.
1st place team - $2,000
2nd place team - $1,000
3rd place team - $750
4th place team - $250
Mission 1: Race